
Monday, December 19, 2005

Women stage protest march in Santa Clara

Women stage protest march in Santa Clara

SANTA CLARA, Cuba, December 8 (Guillermo Fariñas, Cubanacán Press / - Ten Opposition women marched through the center of Santa Clara on Sunday in a protest against the imprisonment of political dissidents.

The women, all members of the Marta Abreu Feminine Movement, met at Nuestra Señora del Buen Viaje church, where they prayed for the release of prisons before undertaking their march.

Dressed in white, they marched to the Leoncio Vidal Park, where they laid a wreath of gladiolas at the statue of Marta Abreu de Estévez, the city's benefactor.

"We were under surveillance by the political police and some paramilitaries at all times, but we were never bothered," said Noelia Pedraza Jiménez, president of the organization, which was founded last month.

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