
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lee Yuen: No super farms in Cuba

Lee Yuen: No super farms in Cuba
Friday, September 21 2007 @ 10:18 AM Trinidad and Tobago/GMT
Contributed by: Congress Media

CLAIMS of thriving super farms in Cuba are being disqualified by
Congress of the People deputy political leader, agriculturalist Wendy
Lee Yuen.

Speaking at a political meeting in Aranguez Tuesday evening, Lee Yuen
quoted from a document she uncovered in her research on international

Quoting from the document, she told supporters: "Back in 1989, Cuba was
a model green revolution style farm economy. Its success was based on
enormous farms using vast quantities of chemicals and machines to
produce crops for export. Then came the embargo from the US and the
collapse of the Soviet bloc and 30 percent of their food was lost
immediately. They were facing sure starvation."

"But by 1997, Cubans were eating almost as well as they had before 1989.
What happened? Faced with the impossibility of importing inputs, Cuba
turned inward to create a more self-reliant agriculture."

"They sold out the big farms in small parcels to former employees! But
we want to tell the population of Trinidad and Tobago that the 100 acre
super farms are the model of the future. And this document gives lie to
that, there are no more super farms in Cuba, there are only small farms."

Also speaking at the meeting were Attorneys at Law, Ravi Nangar and
Ashvani Mahabir, Dr Sharon Gopaul-McNicol, and COP political leader,
Winston Dookeran. Party executive member, Dr Navi Muradali chaired the

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