
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Exposing Michael Moore's Lies About Cuba

Exposing Michael Moore's Lies About Cuba

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"All the world health organizations or whatever [sic] have confirmed
that if there's one thing they do right in Cuba, it's health care. And
there's very little debate about that."
-- Michael Moore

Reporter John Stossel of 20/20 has the following interesting
observations about Michael Moore's claims concerning the state of Cuban
healthcare in his "documentary" Sicko:

1. As we previously reported, Moore did not visit representative
hospitals, but only elite institutions.

2. The United Nations report that Moore relies upon to support his
claims of medical nirvana in Cuba did not gather any data. It simply
repeated data given to it by the Cuban government itself.

3. Cuba's fetal mortality rates are grossly understated because of the
national practice of aborting sick fetuses before they are born and of
classifying a fetus which perishes within a few hours of being born as
never having been born at all.

4. Moore stated: "All the independent health organizations in the world,
and even our own CIA, believes that the Cubans have a pretty good health
system. And they do, in fact, live longer than we do." Stossel asked the
CIA, and it stated that it never made such a conclusion about Cuban
health care; it stated that its data shows Americans live significantly
longer on average than Cubans.

5. When challenged with these facts by Stossel, Moore tried to change
the subject: "Let's stick to Canada and Britain and this stuff, I think
you should challenge me on these things, and I'll give you my answer."

The prosecution rests.

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