
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Cuban Exiles Feel Strain, Not Celebration on Revolution's Anniversary

Cuban Exiles Feel Strain, Not Celebration on Revolution's Anniversary

Cuba's government is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the victory of
guerrilla forces led by Fidel Castro over dictator Fulgencio Batista.
For the nearly two million Cubans who have fled the Communist-ruled
island since then, the day evokes difficult memories. Nearly half of
Cubans who have fled the Communist nation in the past 50 years have
settled in the Miami area.

Some sought to leave through official channels, often waiting years for
approval from Cuba's government. Others escaped on smuggler's boats or
defected while on approved travel outside the island. For many Cubans,
the details of the ordeals matter less than the knowledge they are free
from Communist rule.

The hosts of Miami-based Radio Republica discussed the latest efforts of
Cubans to leave the island during a program that was beamed into Cuba
this week. They said Cubans were lined up at the Spanish embassy in
Havana, hoping to take advantage of a new law that grants citizenship to
the grandchildren of Spanish immigrants.

Julio Estorino, who directs the radio show for the pro-democracy group
Cuban Democratic Directorate, says Spanish citizenship offers the hope
of living in a place with freedom and rights. He says it is sad that so
many Cubans see no hope if they remain in Cuba.

For many Cubans the United States has given opportunities for education,
work and travel they would not have in Cuba.

Miami restaurant owner Ailin Fernandez left Cuba more than 20 years ago.
She longs to return home and open a restaurant in the beach town of
Varadero, but not under the current government. She says there are
opportunities here for people who work hard, but the same is not true in

Others, like Giselle Palacios, 18, have come to Miami to escape
political persecution on the island. As the daughter of prominent
dissidents, she fled after being kicked out of college for her political
activities. She says she hopes to finish her studies in Miami and return
home someday to help rebuild the country. She says all Cubans should be
able to go home. Giselle's parents remain in Cuba, where her father was
recently jailed for his political involvement. For her, the policies of
Cuba's revolutionary government have meant the forced separation of her
family, as well as many others.

Comedian Bonco Quinongo left Cuba nine years ago to advance his career.
His decision prompted the government to label him a deserter, making it
nearly impossible to return home to visit his two daughters and his
ailing father. He says he may have found success by leaving Cuba, but
there is something else that is missing, and it pains him deeply.

Like many Cuban exiles, Quinongo is not following the 50th anniversary
celebration planned in Havana. The day stirs difficult memories of what
has been lost in the past five decades. He says the word revolution is
supposed to mean renewal and progress, but in the case of Cuba, it
really means a rejection of those things.

When Fidel Castro claimed victory 50 years ago, few expected his
revolutionary forces to remain in power as long as they have. For many
Cuban exiles, the question is how much longer can the Communist
government continue.

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