
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Castro claims Bush could spark WWIII

Castro claims Bush could spark WWIII
Posted on Tue, Oct. 23, 2007
Associated Press Writer

Fidel Castro wrote Tuesday President Bush is threatening the world with
nuclear war and famine - an attack on Washington a day before the White
House plans to announce new plans to draw Cuba away from communism.

"The danger of a massive world famine is aggravated by Mr. Bush's recent
initiative to transform foods into fuel," Castro wrote in Cuban news
media, referring to U.S. support for using corn and other food crops to
produce gasoline substitutes.

The brief essay titled "Bush, Hunger and Death" also alleged that Bush
"threatens humanity with World War III, this time using atomic weapons."

Bush is expected to announce new strategies toward Cuba on Wednesday.
White House spokesman Tony Fratto said last week that Bush would
"emphasize the importance of democracy for the Cuban people and the role
the international community can play in Cuba's transition by insisting
on free speech, free assembly, free and competitive elections and the
release of all political prisoners."

In his essay, Castro predicted that Bush "will adopt new measures to
accelerate the 'transition period' in our country, equivalent to a new
conquest of Cuba by force." Cuban officials have long denounced U.S.
efforts to produce a "transition" from Castro's government to a
Western-style representative democracy.

Ailing and 81, Castro has not been seen in public since undergoing
emergency intestinal surgery and ceding power to a provisional
government headed by his younger brother Raul in July 2006.

While he has looked upbeat and lucid in official videos, he also seems
too frail to resume power.

Life on the island has changed little under Raul Castro, the 76-year-old
defense minister who was his elder brother's hand-picked successor for

Cuba staged municipal elections on Sunday, the first step in a process
that will determine if Fidel Castro is re-elected or replaced next year
as Cuban leader.

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