
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Cuban Potato Harvest in central-eastern Province with a record yield

Cuban Potato Harvest in central-eastern Province with a record yield

The goal was reached thanks to good planning and appropriate
availability of resources before the start of the campaign.

With a record yield of produce like potato and tomato, agricultural
workers in the central-eastern of Ciego de Avila support national food
plans amidst the current world economic crisis.

Reports say that private and state-owned farms in the territory
collected over 110 million pounds of potatoes, considered the highest
production over the past five years. The goal was reached thanks to good
planning and appropriate availability of resources before the start of
the campaign.

Potato HarvestThe availability of necessary chemical fertilizers,
pesticides and other expendables in sufficient amounts as well as the
appropriate performance of watering systems made it possible to reach
the record production, which also included a record yield of tomatoes
(more than 50 million pounds), similar to high levels collected in the
1980´s, Agriculture Ministry sources reported.

Part of the produce was preserved in cold stores to guarantee a steady
supply to the local market, while the surplus was transported to the
eastern provinces of Holguín, Las Tunas, Camagüey, Granma and Santiago
de Cuba.

In order to get the most out of the collected produce, all five
processing plants in Ciego de Avila are working at full capacity to
produce different derivatives like tomato paste and pure.


Cuban Potato Harvest in central-eastern Province with a record yield (6
May 2009)

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