
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Havana weighs crackdown on corruption

Havana weighs crackdown on corruption

The provincial committee of the Communist Party in Havana met this week
to evaluate ways to deal with "illegalities, social indiscipline, crime
and corruption," Radio Guantánamo reported Sunday in its website.
(foto) The local party's first secretary, Lázara Mercedes López Acea,
said that "the lack of administrative control facilitates the criminal
acts, half of which are committed by persons not linked to the work
place." This seems to be an allusion to the theft of raw materials from
work places such as construction sites, a major problem in the city.
López blamed "the lack of control by those who manage the resources of
the state and must keep track of them."
Another topic discussed was "the recovery of land that is idle or
insufficiently exploited for the production of food. The main
difficulties in the sector are the delays in the execution of contracts,
delays in the clearing of the areas, deficient utilization of spaces and
insufficient frequency in the control by agrarian commissions.
"Added to this are the lack of agricultural tools and supplies, delays
in the delivery of seeds, the lack of electric service for different
uses, the need for irrigation systems, pumps for wells and the training
of producers."
Although the article does not impute any wrongdoing to "comrade Roberto
García Díaz, who looked after the sectors of the Economy, Judicial
Organizations and Popular Power," it says that the Party "liberated him
from his post" as a member of the Party's provincial bureau.
"Comrade Julio Martínez Ramírez, who was until recently first secretary
of the National Committee of the Union of Communist Youths," replaced
García, the report said.

–Renato Pérez Pizarro.

Cuban Colada (8 November 2009)

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