
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Serving a 30-year sentence for stealing a cow

Serving a 30-year sentence for stealing a cow

HAVANA, Cuba, July 27 (Magaly Norvis Otero Suárez / CIHPRESS, ) - Juan Sánchez Ruiz, 58, claims he has served 19 years
of a 30-year prison sentence for rustling and slaughtering a cow.

Sánchez Ruiz has spent the last five years in a prison medical unit
after suffering three heart attacks.

"I was tried in the Pinar del Río Provincial Court and found guilty of
the crime of stealing a cow and slaughtering it and sentenced to 30
years in prison," he said. "I only killed a cow and I did it to feed my
family. I didn't plant a bomb."

Sánchez Ruiz is trying to obtain his release on health grounds.

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