
Saturday, May 02, 2009

Waiting, in Havana

Waiting, in Havana
Ray Sanchez/Direct from Havana | Direct from Havana
April 16, 2009

Waiting is a way of life in Cuba.

Cubans say survival on the island depends on the ability to wait – for a
bus at the corner, for bread at the bakery, for potatoes at the "agro"
store, for a visa to El Yuma, as the locals call the United States.

In February, the newspaper sold the state one of two jeeps left over
from the days when the company had two correspondents in Cuba. The check
hasn't arrived.

"You must wait," said a factotum at the state agency authorized to buy
and resell used vehicles. "There is a process."

Now, the Sun Sentinel is closing its Havana office. An appointment had
to be made with Cuban customs for a thorough inspection of the items
being taken back to the United States.

"You must wait two to four weeks for the inspection," said another

The movers came to survey the job two weeks ago. It involves some books
and silk screens, some wooden chairs and small tables and a bookcase.
They're still working on the estimate.

And, the mover advised, the furniture must travel through a third
country – Mexico, Canada or Panama – before eventually making its way to
the United States.

"It's going to take a while," he explained.

The Cuban government must grant permission before your items can be
removed from the island. Then, the American government must approve
their arrival 90 miles away.

"The U.S. Treasury can help speed up the process," said the mover. "Just
get on the phone to them."

If only it were that easy. Repeated calls to the Treasury Department
ended up in a complicated automated answering system that involved
waiting through several options, until it finally gave a chance to leave
a message.

Three or four messages later, and still no return call.

That's no surprise for Cubans.

"Don't be anxious," the mover had warned.

Waiting, in Havana -- South Florida (2 May 2009),0,4914188.column

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