
Tuesday, May 05, 2009

DPRK vows co-op with Cuba to boost socialism

DPRK vows co-op with Cuba to boost socialism
11:01, May 05, 2009

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Monday pledged more
cooperation with Cuba to boost the socialism.

The DPRK is interested in strengthening the friendly ties and
collaboration with Cuba, said Foreign Minister Pak Ui Chun, who began on
Monday an official visit to Havana.

Pak said he will meet with his Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez
Parrilla as well as leaders of the Communist Party of Cuba during his
visit that will end on Wednesday.

Cuba and the DPRK established diplomatic ties in 1960. The two countries
have maintained friendly ties and conducted bilateral cooperation in
various sectors such as energy, agriculture and commerce.


DPRK vows co-op with Cuba to boost socialism - People's Daily Online (5
May 2009)

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