
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Amnesty International 2009 Cuba Report

Head of state and government Raúl Castro Ruz
Death penalty retentionist
Population 11.3 million
Life expectancy 77.7 years
Under-5 mortality (m/f) 7/6 per 1,000
Adult literacy 99.8 per cent

Restrictions on freedom of expression, association and assembly
persisted. Journalists and political dissidents faced harassment and
intimidation by security officials. Four prisoners of conscience were
released early in the year; 58 remained imprisoned. Cubans continued to
feel the negative impact of the US embargo particularly in relation to
the right to food.

In February, parliament named Raúl Castro President of the Council of
State, making him the country's head of state and government. Cuba
signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; no date
was set for ratification.

Cuba and the EU officially renewed ties, five years after the EU imposed
sanctions following the arrest and sentencing of 75 prisoners of
conscience in March 2003. The EU lifted its diplomatic sanctions and
initiated a dialogue with the authorities on various issues, including
human rights.

"Journalists, political dissidents and critics of the government
were often detained..."

Economic reforms in the agricultural sector began to be introduced
during the first half of the year. However, the devastation caused by
several hurricanes hampered the government's reform initiatives.
According to official sources, tens of thousands of people were rendered
homeless as a result of hurricanes and the country suffered losses in
agricultural production of nearly US$1 billion.

Cubans were allowed for the first time to buy mobile phones and
computers for personal use, but access to the internet remained
restricted. In October, for the 17th consecutive year, the UN General
Assembly passed a resolution, supported by 185 countries, calling on the
USA to end its embargo on Cuba.
Impact of the US embargo

The US embargo and related measures continued to have a negative effect
on the exercise of human rights. Freedom of movement between Cuba and
the USA and family reunification remained severely limited. Also the
extra-territorial application of US legislation limited the Cuban
government's capacity to buy, among other things, food, medical supplies
and construction materials from Cuba's trading partners. However, Cuba
was allowed to buy staple foods from the USA worth more than US$530
million, which had to be paid for in cash and in advance.
Freedom of expression and association

Freedom of expression remained limited, with all mass media outlets
remaining under state control. Journalists working for independent and
alternative news agencies continued to face harassment and intimidation
in the form of short-term detention and monitoring by security officers.
Opposition political groups and many civil and professional associations
continued to be barred from gaining legal status. In December, more than
30 people were briefly detained by the Cuban authorities, preventing
them from celebrating International Human Rights Day in Havana.

* Journalist Carlos Serpa Maceira, of the Sindical Press news
agency, was arrested at his home in Havana in June 2008. He was charged
with engaging in "provocative and mercenary acts under the guidance of
the United States Interests Section in Cuba." Officials ordered Carlos
Serpa Maceira to stop working as a journalist or face a forcible return
to his home town. He was later released.

* In July, the authorities prevented scores of dissidents from
participating in several events in Havana, including the civil society
meeting "Agenda for Transition" and an event organized by the United
States Interests Section to celebrate US Independence Day. Some were
prevented from travelling to the capital, others in Havana were
prevented from leaving their homes, and around 30 were detained by
police and then released a few hours later or the following day.

Prisoners of conscience

At the end of the year, 58 prisoners of conscience continued to be held
solely for the expression of their political views. In February, four
prisoners of conscience were released on health grounds, but were
ordered to leave the country. There were reports of harassment and
intimidation against prisoners of conscience and political prisoners by
other prisoners and prison guards.
Justice system

The justice system continued to be used to harass political dissidents
opposed to the Cuban government, in particular using charges of
"dangerousness". Journalists, political dissidents and critics of the
government were often detained for 24 or 48 hours and then released
without charge.

* Gorki Águila, a musician in the band Porno Para Ricardo, was
arrested and charged with "dangerousness" in Havana in August because
his lyrics were critical of the government. On 29 August the court
dropped the charge of "dangerousness", but convicted him of the lesser
offence of civil disobedience, for which he was fined.

Death penalty

In April, President Raúl Castro announced that nearly all death
sentences were to be commuted to life sentences. There were no
executions in 2008.

In December, Cuba abstained for the second time in the vote on a UN
General Assembly resolution calling for a worldwide moratorium on

Cuba | Amnesty International Report 2009 (28 May 2009)

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