
Sunday, June 04, 2006

A wakeup call to the Cuban exile for their authentic organization

A wakeup call to the Cuban exile for their authentic organization

"To do is the best way to say" - Jose Martí –

Dr.h.c. César L. Alarcón
President M.C.U.D. Cuban Movement for a Unified
Lázaro González Valdés.
Exprisioner of concience Democracy (MCUD)
SOS Justice
La Nueva Cuba
June 4, 2006

This proclamation is an attention call that the Cuban Movement for a
Unified Democracy (MCUD) and SOS Justice base on the following

Plans exist to recycle Cuban Communists without taking into account
that, their arbitrary procedures and power that they violently usurp
since 1959 is the main cause of political, economic, social and moral
crisis which the majority of the Cuban people endure,

Those spurious plans harm the legitimate desire for justice of millions
of victims and/or their families,

It is also illegitimate any negotiation with the oppressors as well as
any other pact that grants amnesty for their crimes, where the
possession or use of stolen goods is allowed, that impedes the
administration of justice, that prevents the indemnification of the
victims, that allows those criminals to hold public positions or infer
directly or indirectly in the political, economic and social scope,

In the information originating from Cuba the dissidents and opponents
confirm that they cannot take their plans to effect due to the increase
repression on the part of the political police and its paramilitary
groups that maintain the activists in a continuous state of siege,

Insufficient international solidarity by the pro-democracy activists as
well as the effective aid given to the Cuban Communists even by
democratic governments, are two factors that contribute to the increase
police repression against the movement of internal resistance,

The evident incapacity of the internal resistance to liberate the
oppressed people without external aid is an indicative sign that the
exiled Cuban community must indeed come together fast, in keeping with
the democratic values that sustain them, to mobilize themselves and work
together to apply effective procedures to the fight against the
communist oppressors,

The Cubans exiled to different countries must learn, by analyzing
History and exerting good sense, that there is no foundation to sustain
the hypothesis that the solution to our problem will be taken to
fruition exclusively by the compatriots who reside within Cuba,

That hypothesis is not only exclusive and unacceptable by denying us our
right to face the abuse of the criminals who usurp power by means of
terror but those who defend this hypothesis isolate themselves and
others that accept that deceit, in their useless do-nothing policy
characteristic of those that wait for others to solve their problem for

The oppression of the Cubans is a matter for the Cubans without
limitation of geographical borders. In addition, reality dictates that
we cannot wait for additional efforts nor heroisms by the patriots in
Cuba since practically they have done all that is possible for the
liberation cause,

Also the Cubans exiled must understand that the establishment of
hundreds of organizations with dissimilar strategies, and the
praiseworthy fact that they have obtained relative political and
economic influences where they reside, are not enough to obtain the
support and the force necessary to eradicate the communist oppression in

The unitary will of most of the exile is confirmed in the existence of
multiple valuable projects conceived by compatriots and organizations
whose main objective is the liberation of the oppressed Cuban people
but, lamentably, other aspects of these projects and personal problems
of their promoters have prevented the unification of force necessary to
collapse the communist regime.

Only the organization of the Cuban exiled by means of an authentic
process will give sufficient legitimate representation, force, and
credibility by foreign governments and international organizations with
some capacity to indeed support the fight against the oppressing
communist party of Cuba,

History demonstrates irrefutably that international organizations like
the UN and the O.A.S. have been and are incapable of helping the Cubans
and other oppressed nations until these organizations repair their
congenital defects of not having real jurisdiction on usurping groups of
power, of lacking codes and penal procedures among other mistakes such
as accepting criminal groups like the communist party of Cuba as
authentic members,
A direct consequence of those defects of the UN, the O.A.S. and other
international organizations are the groundless support, on the part of
personalities and organizations of the exile, of the hypothesis
according to which those useless organizations will act in our favor and
effectively at some unforeseen moment. This miscalculation has so harmed
the cause for liberation of the oppressed Cuban people to the point of
which some dissident organizations exist today whose projects depend on
those incapable organizations!

Considering the previous points, respectfully we summon the
personalities and leaders of organizations of the exile to:

Putting aside the natural differences of free men, establish the
necessary body (call it a congress, assembly, council, alliance, front,
unitary movement of the exile or whatever) so that each organization and
personality (be it an industrialist, monk, artist, scientist... etc.)
have the opportunity to present their proposals deemed necessary to
solve our problem participating completely in this procedure with voice,
vote and with the discipline characteristic of those who have the
capacity to advance their objectives.

Determine and approve (by will of the majority and the disciplined
observance by the minority) whichever norms are required for the
operation of that representative organization of the exile.

Design a plan of operations against the Castro regime that incorporates
fighting methods that History confirms to be effective in eradicating
any oppressive state, and forgoes the application of scientifically
unfounded procedures that only lead to speculation or error.

Create a fund for the cause of liberation of the oppressed people of
Cuba as well as the procedures of public control of it.

Establish the means for the official press of the new organization of
the exiled Cuban community.

Elect the ambassadors to legitimately represent the exile community and
to assign the tasks necessary to obtain sufficient international
solidarity to liberate the oppressed Cubans.

Set up and execute the management necessary to overthrow from power the
minority that oppresses the Cuban people and thus be able to take to
justice that group of criminals guaranteeing them the appropriate
penalty commensurate with the type of crime committed.

Plan, approve and put in practice whichever other norms or procedures
are necessary to obtain the previous stated goals.

We reiterated this call to all personalities and organizations of exile
to which we also exhort to call on other patriots with whom they
maintain contact with so that nobody is excluded from this summon.

To those who love total freedom and a democratic government system for
the people of Cuba but erroneously think that unity is not possible or
useful; to those who maintain the sophism that the division that
debilitates us before the common enemy is a logical consequence of
building a democracy; to them we say that we can no longer wait, because
the oppressed Cuban people can not support more horror. Now is the time
to be protagonists executing concrete, intelligent and energetic actions
as they have never been executed before.

It is evident the error and the absence of positive results of those who
propose unfounded plans or try to obtain impossible solutions by their
dependency of nonexistent good will of the government officials of the
communist regime. We also call on them to unite; we summon them to be a
part of this authentic procedure where they will be able to participate
totally and equally. To fight against injustice is a right and duty for all.

We clarify that we, who authored this document in the name of the MCUD
and SOS Justice, resign in advance and irrevocably to any proposal to
direct this or any another procedure related to this exiled body; there
are many capable compatriots for that. We will only coordinate the first
steps of this subject until the participants in the same arrive at the
initial meeting.

However, we will participate in the organization as simple members. We
will be a voice of our small organizations and our first vote is in
favor of unifying those who wish to eradicate Communism in Cuba. Equally
we declare publicly that we will accept all decisions made by the
majority and are ready to fulfill any task that is assigned to us.

The results of this summon will be published periodically in the
Internet web sites of the Semanario A Fondo and the MCUD.

In order to answer this summon we have arranged the following electronic
email address: . We hope that this wakeup
call is responded to briefly and properly. Now it is time to simply say
"Yes" or "No" to this summon. The majority will determine debates and
decisions during the sessions.

Silence will be interpreted as a negative response to this call.
Nevertheless we insist that all of the exiles are equally responsible to
make the timeless motto of "For Cuba the time is now" a reality.

Lázaro González Valdés. Dr.h.c. César L. Alarcón.
Exprisioner of concience. President M.C.U.D.

Note: In accordance with the response to this process and the number of
participants the appropriate place and time for the celebration of the
event will be selected.

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