
Friday, March 21, 2008

Dutch trade mission begins visit to Cuba

Dutch trade mission begins visit to Cuba
Published: Monday 10 March 2008 11:11 UTC
Last updated: Tuesday 11 March 2008 12:08 UTC

The Hague - A group of Dutch entrepreneurs has begun a trade mission to
Cuba. Representatives from more than 20 companies are taking part in the
mission, making it the largest Dutch economic delegation ever to visit

The names of the companies making the journey are being kept secret,
chiefly to avoid sanctions by the United States, which still imposes a
trade embargo against Cuba. However, Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad
reports that representatives from the Rabobank and three Rotterdam-based
shipping companies are among the delegation.

NGOs such as CNV (the National Federation of Christian Trade Unions in
the Netherlands) and Pax Christi have been urging Dutch companies to
begin cooperating with the Cuban government once a number of conditions
have been met. These include the improvement of Cuban workers' rights
and a discussion of the position of the country's trades union leaders
and dissidents.

On Saturday, European Commissioner Louis Michel said that the European
Union must begin a dialogue with Cuba, one that could lead to the
normalisation of relations between the two.

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