
Friday, March 21, 2008

15 Cuban migrants come ashore in Grove

15 Cuban migrants come ashore in Grove
Posted on Tue, Mar. 18, 2008
Miami Herald staff report

Fifteen Cuban migrants, including small children, landed at Dinner Key
Tuesday morning, according to television and fire rescue accounts.

Aside from a touch of dehydration, they all appeared to be in good

''We are so happy to arrive here to the U.S.A.,'' said Osmati Biloto,
who was on the boat from Cuba. ``We are very tired. It's been a long
trip, but I think it was worth it.''

Local authorities, including a Miami-Dade fire boat, were alerted to the
group's arrival in Coconut Grove about 4:30 a.m., according to Lt. Elkin
Sierra, a fire rescue spokesman.

Border Patrol arrived before dawn to take the 15 men, women and children
for processing.

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