
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Michael Moore Exposed as a Shameless Liar on Cuba

Michael Moore Exposed as a Shameless Liar on Cuba
Filed under: Cuba

Did you know that when Michael Moore bashed the USA for having a low
score on medical care from the World Health Organization, pointing out
that it is lower than many other developed countries and praising Cuba
as offering better medical care, he neglected to mention* that Cuba
actually has a lower score (#39 -- see page 152) from WHO than the USA
(#37 -- see page 155) does? So when he packed up a bunch of sick
Americans to take them to Cuba for treatment in his movie "SICKO," he
was actually taking them to a place with worse medical care than the one
they were in. Moonbat logic is a scary thing.

And that's not the half of it. It now turns out that the Cuban medical
care he documents in his film SICKO isn't representative. Reuters reports:

Three New York rescue workers injured in the September 11 attacks
got the best treatment Cuba can offer in Michael Moore's film critique
of U.S. health care, the Cuban doctors who attended them said this week.
Communist Cuba's universal free health system has achieved low child
mortality and high longevity rates on a par with rich nations since
Fidel Castro's 1959 revolution. But the hospital where SiCKO's patients
were treated is an exception in Cuba, where patients of many other
hospitals complain they have to take their own sheets and food.

It seems not to have occurred to anyone that the grotesquely obese Mr.
Moore is hardly a role model for good health even if he told the truth;
since he's a known pathological liar and propagandist, taking medical
advice from him is probably the worst thing you could do for your health.

*A helpful reader has pointed out in the comments that this criticism,
made by CNN, has been challenged by Moore on his website. What the
reader, not so helpfully, fails to mention is that the website only says
a picture of the list was shown in the movie. It doesn't have a
transcript of how the film handles in information so as to show whether
it emphasized this reality appropriately for the viewer.

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