
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

SIUE contingent returns from Cuba

SIUE contingent returns from Cuba
Zhanda Malone ,

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Chancellor Vaughn Vandegrift
and Southern Illinois University Carbondale Vice-Chancellor Larry Dietz
have returned from leading a contingent of 18 delegates from SIU on an
educational research mission in Cuba.

The delegation, which left March 11, represents a broad cross-section of
students, faculty and administrators participating in the visit which is
aimed at fostering education and research relationships between the
university and Cuba's institution of high education.

C. Otis Sweezy, chair of the SIUE Department of Theater and Dance and
costume designer who has studied Cuba's culture extensively, also was
part of the visiting delegation. Also traveling from SIUE wasAleisha
Steele, a student government representative.

According to SIUE's Office of Public Affairs, SIU is among only four
universities in the country given approval by the U.S. government to
conduct educational missions to Cuba. SIU's initial visit occurred five
years ago when the late U.S. Senator Paul Simon helped organize and lead
the first Cuba trip.

In addition to Vandegrift, Dietz, Sweezy and Steele, there were 14
delegates consisting of students, faculty, and administrators from three
SIU campuses, representing a wide variety of academic and administrative

Faculty members from the SIU School of Law, including Simon's daughter,
Sheila Simon, the SIU School of Medicine, and the Paul Simon Public
Institute were among delegates attending. Student representatives
included Carbondale Mayor Brad Cole, and SIU Daily Egyptian reporter
Monique Garcia.

The mission, which lasted nine days, included visits to Havana and
outlying provinces. Each delegate was paired with a Cuban delegate of
the same academic background. Cuban students in anthropology, theater,
and architectural preservation joined SIU students during the mission.

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