
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dissidents call for peaceful change and respect for rights of Cubans

Dissidents call for peaceful change and respect for rights of Cubans

Havana, Cuba, Jun 22, 2009 / 10:03 pm (CNA).- Leaders of the peaceful
resistance in Cuba repeated their request last week that the government
respect human rights and promote transition towards democracy.

In a statement entitled, "United in Hope," the dissidents called on the
government of Cuba to release prisoners of conscience "and all those who
have not participated in acts of terrorism and have been incarcerated
for political motives."

Likewise, they asked that "freedom of religion and conscience" be
guaranteed for all, and that everyone be allowed to "freely express
their ideas, sentiments, criticisms, opinions and proposals whether
orally, in writing or [by] any peaceful means."

The statement calls for the creation of a National Commission made up of
members of the government, the opposition and representatives of civil
society, in order to guarantee the civil rights of all Cubans.

The dissident leaders said in their statement, "The first stage of the
National Dialogue has concluded and now another wider stage begins in
which we will present to all Cubans, without distinction, this proposal
of the first steps to carry out the changes that the people so much
desire and want."

Dissidents call for peaceful change and respect for rights of Cubans (22
June 2009)

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