
Saturday, November 03, 2007

UN Set to End Scrutiny of Cuba and Belarus, Indict Israel; 27 NGOs Protest

UN Set to End Scrutiny of Cuba and Belarus, Indict Israel; 27 NGOs Protest

"UN's last chance to save the Human Rights Council from itself," says UN
Watch executive director Hillel Neuer

Geneva, Nov. 2, 2007 — A coalition of 27 non-governmental organizations
is urging senior officials and member states of the U.N. to oppose a set
of proposed changes to the Human Rights Council that would end that
body's scrutiny of abuses in Cuba and Belarus, obstruct resolutions that
name specific countries for violations, and institute an
Islamic-sponsored initiative to permanently censure Israel under a fixed
agenda item.

In a letter sent today (see full text below) to Mr. Ban, the President
of the General Assembly, High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise
Arbour, and all 192 UN ambassadors, the NGO coalition—including the
Geneva-based UN Watch, Freedom House, Directorio Democratico Cuba, and
24 other groups from Switzerland, Italy, Pakistan, Australia and
Nigeria—urged the General Assembly to excise the regressive elements of
the proposal that on Monday will be presented in person by Human Rights
Council president Romulus De Costea.

The General Assembly will be asked next week to validate the
much-criticized June 2007 changes adopted by the Human Rights Council,
its subsidiary, by "taking note" of a report that contains the package.
The General Assembly has full discretion to veto or modify any council
decision. In the past, the UN's Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
successfully overturned several resolutions of its subsidiary, the
discredited and now-defunct Commission on Human Rights. This past
summer, ECOSOC reversed decisions by its Committee on NGOs in order to
accredit two gay rights organizations.

"At a time when free speech and other basic liberties are increasingly
under assault by Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus and Fidel Castro in
Cuba, the proposal to fire the independent UN human rights experts who
report on violations by both regimes—and to eliminate these mandates
forever—is simply unconscionable," said Hillel Neuer, executive director
of UN Watch. "Despite what many thought in June, it's not too late—UN
officials and member states have one last chance to save the Human
Rights Council from itself."

According to Neuer, "the proposed changes to council procedures would
also make it harder than ever before to introduce country resolutions
against Sudan, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and other serial abusers;
intimidate the remaining ten independent experts through a restrictive
'code of conduct'; and breach the promise of a clean agenda for the new

Under the proposal, Section 7 of the council's permanent agenda, the
result of intense pressure from Arab and Islamic states, would revive
what the UN Department of Public Information described last year as "the
agenda item targeting Israel." Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon publicly
criticized the proposed agenda item in a statement issued on June 20,
2007—for which he was rebuked by the Islamic bloc in the council plenary
a month later—and High Commissioner Arbour, in letters sent to various
NGOs, has called the item "selective."

"To top it off," said Neuer, "the June pact was rushed through in the
darkness of night through unprecedented irregularities that included
denying Canadian representative Terrence Cormier his right to vote." For
photos and a detailed timeline of the June drama at the council, click here.

Neuer noted that a majority of the General Assembly "proved twice last
year that it can do the right thing for the victims in Belarus," with a
vote in December to censure the Lukashenko government for violations,
and then successfully blocking its bid for a Human Rights Council seat
in May.

To view the original letters to the Secretary-General, the President of
the General Assembly, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and all
192 UN ambassadors, click here.


Dear Excellency,

Concerning next week's General Assembly debate and proposed resolution
on the Human Rights Council, on behalf of the 27 undersigned
non-governmental organizations, we urge you to support amendment of the
proposed text as follows, with our additions in bold.

Joint NGO Proposal: General Assembly Resolution on the Human Rights Council

The General Assembly,

Taking note of Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 of 18 June 2007,

1. Welcomes the text entitled 'United Nations Human Rights
Council: Institution-Building', as contained in the annex to the present
resolution, including its appendices, subject to the following amendments:

a) The mandate of the independent expert to investigate the human
rights situation in Cuba shall not be eliminated, and is hereby renewed;

b) The mandate of the independent expert to investigate the human
rights situation in Belarus shall not be eliminated, and is hereby renewed;

c) Section 117(d) of the resolution, purporting to impose
restrictions on the effective introduction of country resolutions, is
hereby repealed; and

d) Item 7 of the Agenda and Programme of Work, purporting to
institutionalize the permanent indictment of Israel as a special agenda
item, and which has been criticized by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and
High Commissioner for Human rights Louise Arbour, is hereby repealed.

2. Expresses its grave concern that on 19 June 2007,
Canada, a Council member, was denied its right to vote on the
resolution, and that the resolution was never put to the plenary for
action, and calls on the Council in future sessions to fully respect the
rules and procedures of the General Assembly.

* * * * * * * * * *

Hillel Neuer
Executive Director
UN Watch

Jennifer Windsor
Executive Director
Freedom House

John Suarez
Directorio Democratico Cubano

Gibreil Hamid
Darfur Peace and Development Centre

Malka Claire Marcovich
Mouvement pour l'Abolition de la Prostitution et de la Pornographie
et de toutes formes de violences sexuelles et discriminations sexistes

Abdul Wahab Khan
Environmental Protection Society (EPS)

Angela C. Wu
International Director
The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty

Paul Usi Elomien
Secretary- General
Community Social Welfare Foundation

Tom Johannesen
Secretary General
International Federation of Social Workers

Roy W. Brown
International Representative
International Humanist and Ethical Union

François Ullmann
Ingenieurs du Monde

Jonathan Gallagher
Deputy Secretary General
International Religious Liberty Association

Ana Maria Stame Cervone
Main Representative
Centrist Democratic International

Yolanda L. Jackson
International Liaison
Women's Sports Foundation

Dr. Harris O. Schoenberg
UN Reform Advocates

Klaus Netter
Geneva Representative
B'nai B'rith International

Claude Mostowik
Pax Christi Australia

Rosario Monfort
Project Director
Women's Board - ECS

Mrs. Babette Francis
National & Overseas Coordinator
Endeavour Forum

Leah Aharonov
International Council of Jewish Women

Virginia Swain
ECOSOC Representative
Association of World Citizens

Rama Enav
Representative to the UN in Geneva

Charmian Common
Geneva Representative
Universal Esperanto Association

Daniel Lack
Geneva Representative
International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists

Massimiliano Bettini
International Relations Executive
Vides International

R. François Garaï
Main Representative
World Union for Progressive Judaism

Esohe Aghatise
Asociazione Iroko Onlus

UN Watch is a Geneva-based human rights organization founded in 1993
to monitor UN compliance with the
principles of its Charter. It is accredited as a Non-Governmental
Organization (NGO) in Special Consultative
Status to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and as an
Associate NGO to the UN Department
of Public Information.

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