
Thursday, November 01, 2007

Student Alex Correa heads Jovenes group, Cubans for Free Cuba

Student Alex Correa heads Jovenes group, Cubans for Free Cuba
By: Megan Ondrizek // Senior News Writer
Issue date: 11/1/07 Section: News

Alexander Correa, a senior at the University of Miami, could easily be
mistaken for a non-Hispanic. But when he puts on his straw fedora and
speaks with clear traces of a Cuban accent, the misconception is shattered.

Add to that the fact that he is president of the student organization
Jovenes por una Cuba Libre (Youth for a Free Cuba) and often engages in
discussions about the political situation on the island, you might even
think he was born there.

Correa, an international relations and economics major with plans to
attend law school, labels himself using the politically-correct term
"American of Cuban descent." Raised in the Miami home of his maternal
grandparents, Correa said he never lost the flavor of his culture.

"Miami is a great incubator of Cuban society," Correa said. "Living
here, you wouldn't think you were different. I've never felt like a

Correa's mother and grandparents emigrated from Cuba in 1967 as part of
the Varadero Freedom Flights. During that time, more than 120,000 Cubans
left their communist homeland for the United States, landing at an
airstrip outside the Freedom Tower in downtown Miami.

And although he is Cuban by blood, Correa believes that his peers of
third-generation Cubans are born with Cuba as a faith, which is a trend
called Cubanísmo.

"We eat the food and live the culture, but we have no real ties like our
parents, who knew that they would never go back," Correa said. "We're
too American to be completely Cuban."

As a sophomore, Correa joined Jovenes, soon to be renamed CAUSA:
Students United for a Free Cuba. The organization was founded in 2003 to
give UM students an outlet where they could gather and discuss Cuban

This past summer, the executive board voted on and approved to change
the name of the group so that it would be more representative of the
goals of the club. CAUSA reflects the members' belief that Cuba is a cause.

"The new name is easy enough that one word describes who we are," Correa

Raul Moas, a sophomore and executive vice president of CAUSA, believes
that Correa's leadership of the group has allowed the image of the
organization to change while still keeping true to its mission and

"I think [Correa] has done a fantastic job as president this year," Moas
said. "CAUSA has never been stronger or better positioned to carry out
our mission."

Correa's dedication to CAUSA is rivaled only by his determination to
remain true to his heritage. He compares Cuban-Americans to the Irish-
and Italian-Americans who emigrated more than a century ago, who he
believes generations later have lost their heritage.

"My 80-year-old grandfather is the only link I have to Cuba," Correa
said. "If we [our generation] don't come to terms with our heritage, it
will somehow be lost forever."

CAUSA works to maintain awareness with monthly events in collaboration
with their parent organization Raices de Esperanza (Roots of Hope).
Every two months, members of CAUSA sit in on a conference call with
people still living in Cuba. The calls offer an opportunity to
understand what is currently going on in the country.

When rumors of Castro's death began circulating again, Correa was not

"I've been burned by that flame many times," he said of the rumors that
have cropped up every so often since Castro ceded power to his brother
Raúl last July. "It's been up there like a 'que cera,' who knows?"

And although Correa feels that Castro's death would be a prerequisite
for change, there has to be more to come before change can be
instituted. He also said that any change in Cuba's government has to
happen internally.

Last year, Correa represented Cuba while participating in a Model United
Nations competition in New York City. After the Cuban team won the
competition, he was invited to speak with the Cuban consul.

"I told him 'somos hermanos de la misma sangre,'" Correa said. "We are
brothers of the same blood, but when it comes to politics we have to
agree to disagree."

Megan Ondrizek may be contacted at

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