
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Cubans on the Borders

Cubans on the Borders / Fernando Dámaso

Cubans are once again crowded along the border between Costa Rica and
Panama. the Cuban government, as usual, blames it in the "Cuban
Adjustment Act" and ignores, as always, the real causes: Cubans don't
believe in the promised "prosperous, sustainable and irrevocable
socialism" and, even less, in their old political leaders.

The political, economic and social situation, instead of improving, has
continued to deteriorate, without the appearance of any intelligent
measures that could turn it around. Everything goes back to words,
slogans, recycled speeches and empty promises, by the same "historicals"
responsible for the current crisis and their national and international

None of this interests ordinary Cubans, who emigrate seeking the
realization of their life plans.

If President Obama's proposals awoke some hopes, the dogmatic and senile
responses of the Cuban authorities, which were sometimes even
disrespectful, managed to quickly squelch them. It is clear to everyone
that, with these "characters who are rancorous and hateful" by nature,
there is nothing to be done, other than to wait for them to physically
disappear according to life's inexorable laws.

It's just that many citizens are not willing to continue to wait and
lose time, and they decide to emigrate now. They are as Cuban as those
of us who stay, but somewhat less patient and, of course, expecting
nothing after the failure of the 7th Party Congress with the appearance
of "the shadow of the past" [Fidel Castro] in the new role of Señor

Source: Cubans on the Borders / Fernando Dámaso – Translating Cuba -

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