
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

U.S. general warns against Russian bombers in Cuba

U.S. general warns against Russian bombers in Cuba
Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:44pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top U.S. Air Force officer warned on Tuesday
that Russia would be crossing "a red line" if it were to use Cuba as a
refueling base for nuclear-capable bombers.

Gen. Norton Schwartz, whose nomination to become the Air Force's top
military officer is being considered by the Senate, was asked at his
confirmation hearing how he would advise U.S. policymakers if Russia
were to proceed with such a plan.

Russia's Izvestia newspaper this week quoted a "highly placed source" as
saying Russia could land Tu-160 supersonic bombers nicknamed "White
Swans" in Cuba as a response to a planned U.S. missile defense shield in
Europe, which Moscow opposes.

"I certainly would offer best military advice that we should engage the
Russians not to pursue that approach," Schwartz told the Senate Armed
Services Committee.

"And if they did, I think we should stand strong and indicate that that
is something that crosses a threshold, crosses a red line for the United
States of America."

Russian Defense Ministry officials have tried to pour cold water on the
report, saying the newspaper story was written under a false name and
quoted a source at an organization that did not exist.

The suggestion of Russian nuclear weapons in Cuba is reminiscent of the
1962 Cuban missile crisis that followed the discovery of Soviet missile
bases on the Caribbean island.

The two-week crisis appeared to draw the Cold War to the verge of World
War III, as President John F. Kennedy responded to the threat by
authorizing a naval blockade of Cuba.

In the end, the Soviets agreed to dismantle the missile sites in
exchange for a U.S. non-invasion pledge and a secret deal to remove
American missiles from Turkey.

(Reporting by David Morgan; Editing by David Storey)

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