
Monday, December 26, 2016

Police Question Publisher Of ‘Coexistence’ About Her Travel Abroad /

Police Question Publisher Of 'Coexistence' About Her Travel Abroad /

14ymedio, Havana, 24 December 2016 – Karina Galvez Chiú, editor of the
magazine Convivencia (Coexistence) was questioned Saturday about her
travels outside Cuba, during a meeting with the Department of
Immigration and Nationality of Pinar del Rio. Two interior ministry
officials demanded information from the economist about her
participation in an internet governance forum in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Galvéz related to 14ymedio that the officers who questioned her
identified themselves as Lieutenant Colonel Beune and Major
Joaquin. "They tried to act friendly," says the editor, but warned that
police citations could be repeated every time she left the country.

"The whole time they wanted to make clear that they wanted a dialogue,"
says Galvez, who replied that they could not consider it a dialogue when
she was forced to attend.

"If they eliminated the white card [former exit permit] and the exit
permit why do I have to go through this every time I leave the country,"
the activist asks in reference to the immigration reform that came into
force in January 2013, easing travel abroad which previously required
every traveler to apply for a permit to travel outside the country,
which often was not granted.

Recently Galvez also visited Washington D.C., a trip about which the
interrogators wanted details.

Also summoned by the police this Saturday was the editor of Convivencia,
Rosalia Viñas Lazo, who protested the date chosen. On December 24 many
Cuban families gather around for Christmas Eve festivities, especially
the Catholic community of the Island.

The officials agreed to schedule the meeting with Viñas Lazo for next

In recent months members of the magazine Convivencia have been subject
to interrogations, pressure and warnings. Dagoberto Valdés, director of
the independent publication, was subjected to an intense interrogation
in October of this year in the police headquarters on San Juan Highway
in Pinar del Río. "From today," the uniformed officers warned, "your
life will be very difficult."

On November 25, State Security prohibited the meeting of the Center for
Coexistence Studies (CEC), linked to the magazine, the topic of which
was intended to be: Culture And Education In The Future Of Cuba: Vision
and Proposal.

Source: Police Question Publisher Of 'Coexistence' About Her Travel
Abroad / 14ymedio – Translating Cuba -

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