
Wednesday, June 01, 2016

When Will the Government of Cuba Have Normal Relations With the Cuban People?

When Will the Government of Cuba Have Normal Relations With the Cuban
People? / 14ymedio, Henry Constantin

14ymedio, Henry Constantin, New York, 31 May 2016 — This video is
mute. Like Josefina Vidal, an official from Cuba's Ministry of Foreign
Relations (MINREX), and José Ramón Cabañas, Cuba's ambassador to the
United States, when I asked them questions that they did not expect,
after their lecture on "normalization" at the Latin American Studies
Association (LASA) held in New York a few days ago:

Most Cubans believe that the real blockade is what "those up above" in
Cuba maintain against the initiatives of the rest of us.
The normalization between Cuba and the United States is well advanced:
Cubans receive with joy both the United States president as well as the
simple tourist from the north. And they have privileged status when they
arrive on the northern soil.
We Cubans want not only tourism or entertainment from the United States,
but also to be its counterpart in politics, business, media, academics…
The biggest obstacle to normalization is that put in place by the Cuban
This occurs because the Cuban government does not have normal relations
with its own people, neither asks nor listens to them, on this or any
other subject.
And, finally: When will Government of Cuba have normal relations with
the Cuban people?
They did not respond. They don't know how. The "abnormal" is in effect.

At the end of the video I am standing against the conference room wall
but content, because it is they who will be against the wall of the
future, the day that more Cubans are encouraged to question them. And
demand from them.

Source: When Will the Government of Cuba Have Normal Relations With the
Cuban People? / 14ymedio, Henry Constantin – Translating Cuba -

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