
Monday, December 03, 2007

Activist says 29 Cuban dissidents held

Activist says 29 Cuban dissidents held
Posted on Mon, Dec. 03, 2007
The Associated Press

Cuban police have detained 29 anti-government activists in less than two
weeks and seven remain jailed, including a man who called for the
communist-run island to tolerate independent universities, a human
rights leader said Monday.

Independent education activist Rolando Rodriguez was arrested last week
after announcing that 5,000 signatures had been collected in support of
autonomous universities in Cuba, said Elizardo Sanchez, head of the
Havana-based Cuban Commission on Human Rights and National Reconciliation.

Sanchez, whose organization is not recognized but is tolerated by Cuban
authorities, said the arrests come as government critics prepare to mark
International Human Rights Day on Dec. 10.

He said the detentions began Nov. 21, when five government critics in
Havana were detained by police without charges, then released. The rest
were picked up in following days during subsequent roundups.

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