
Thursday, July 28, 2016

The 26th, Again

The 26th, Again / Fernando Dámaso

Fernando Damaso, 25 July 2016 — Tomorrow, a new anniversary of the 26th
of July–that failed insurrectional action of 1953–will be commemorated.
This date, one of the principal ones of the Castro regime's calendar,
served as the title and standard for the political movement that emerged
from the event. The province of Sancti Spíritus has been selected as
the headquarters for the celebration–not for being the best choice, but
rather for being the least bad one.

There will be "popular" gatherings, official festivities, cultural
merrymaking, and even speeches with pretensions of historical
authenticity. The script is repeated every year, varying only with
regard to the secondary actors, being that the principals have remained
in their roles for 58 years, despite the boredom they provoke among the

Throughout the course of a few days the inhabitants of Sancti Spíritus
will enjoy abundant beer, one or another foodstuff, and much dance
music, in addition to the traditional carnaval. Afterwards, all will
return to the usual boring dailyness, with its meager wages, shortages,
street violence, abuses, bureaucracy, and many other misfortunes–and the
commemoration, as it does every year, will remain forgotten until the
next one, if indeed it takes place, in a new chosen province.

Translated by: Alicia Barraqué Ellison

Source: The 26th, Again / Fernando Dámaso – Translating Cuba -

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