
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Mexico Deports Another Group Of Cubans

Mexico Deports Another Group Of Cubans / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Chiapas, 25 January 2017 — Mexican Government authorities have
reported the deportation of 70 Cuban migrants who were in the country
without visas or transit permits. Among the deportees were 22 women and
48 men who were sent back to Cuba on Wednesday on a plane belonging to
the Mexican Federal Police.

The returnees from the southern border of the country were gathered in
the state of Chiapas before being deported.

All of them were waiting to obtain the exit permit that allowed them to
travel freely and legally through Mexican territory for 20 days, in
order to reach the United States. The new US immigration policy,
initiated two weeks ago by the former Obama administration eliminated
preferential status, encapsulated in the wet foot/dry foot policy –
which was cancelled – and the Cuban Adjustment Act (which remains in
effect as only Congress can repeal it), which provides special benefits
to Cuban migrants once they reach the country.

Since the suspension of the previous immigration policy, the Mexican
Government offers Cubans without a visa the exit permit that would allow
them to reach the United States. In contrast, Mexican authorities have
since implemented the bilateral agreement with Havana, which allows the
return of citizens of the Caribbean country if the Cuban consulates in
Mexico agree to recognize them as Cuban citizens.

According to the National Institute of Migration (INM), all migrants
were deported "in good health and provided the necessary assistance in
strict compliance with their human rights."

With this latest deportation 161 Cubans have now been returned to the
island since January 20 when 91 other migrants were deported by the
Mexican INM following the same procedure.

Source: Mexico Deports Another Group Of Cubans / 14ymedio – Translating
Cuba -

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