
Saturday, April 02, 2016

N-word published in official Cuban press in reference to Obama causes backlash

N-word published in official Cuban press in reference to Obama causes

President Barack Obama's trip to the island, which was dubbed as "an
historic opportunity to engage with the Cuban people," resulted in a
high-profile insult from the place he sought to embrace, reported the
Western Journalism.

"An article in the Havana Tribune, a state-controlled newspaper in Cuba,
accuses Obama of 'inciting rebellion' and uses the word 'negro' in
reference to Obama in the article's headline. The article's title
translates in English as 'Black Man, Are You Dumb?' Its author
criticizes Obama for meeting with pro-democracy activists and suggesting
Cuba needed to change," the Western Journalism reported Friday.

Readers should know that — following a barrage of criticism from within
the island — the Cuban writer, Elias Argudín, publicly apologized for
'causing offense' to those who deemed his comments as racist even as he
defended his remarks. He also noted that he himself is black as are two
of his top managers.

"First, and for me most important, is to apologize to those who feel
offended, even though they misunderstood my words and placed me on the
opposite side to which I belong," Argudín wrote in his apology, also
published in state-controlled Cuban press.

The offensive article published in the Tribuna de la Habana (Havana
Tribune) on Sunday was removed from the website on Wednesday.

Source: N-word published in official Cuban press in reference to Obama
causes backlash | In Cuba Today -

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