
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

US-Cuba thaw may mean compensation for lost assets

Posted on Sunday, 05.24.09
US-Cuba thaw may mean compensation for lost assets
Associated Press

HAVANA -- After 47 years, Mario Sanchez's memory of the house near the
Havana Zoo where he was born has faded. But he has not forgotten the
address, and can look at the roof using satellite imaging on his
computer at his Florida home, 370 kilometers (230 miles away) away.

''My hope and dream is that one day I would be able to have my property
returned to me,'' Sanchez, a computer science professor at Miami Dade
Community College, said in a telephone interview.

With the prospect of improved relations between the United States and
Cuba, Sanchez believes that day may no longer be so far off.

He's not alone. Some U.S. companies and Cuban-Americans still hope to
recover ownership or compensation for what they lost in the early 1960s,
when Fidel Castro nationalized factories, farms, hotels, office towers,
department stores, mills, mines, farmland and homes -- the largest
seizure of American-owned property in history.

The Obama administration's overtures to Havana, its easing of some
facets of the 47-year-old trade embargo, and the Cuban government's
willingness to discuss improved relations have kindled hope for settlements.

''It's early yet, but I'm optimistic,'' said Robert Muse, a Washington
attorney who represents two of the largest claimants to certify lost
property with the U.S. Department of Justice. ``Any warming trend is
positive because these claims can't be resolved in absence of
rapprochement with Cuba.''

Muse, who asked that his clients not be named in print, said
international law recognizes the right of foreign owners to seek
compensation for seized property.

In 1972, nearly 6,000 American companies and individuals who were U.S.
citizens at the time their property was confiscated filed claims with
the U.S. government for property then worth more than $1.8 billion and
estimated to now be worth around $7 billion.

Claimants include General Electric, General Motors, Ford, Sears, Coke,
Pepsi, Citicorp and Goodyear. Texaco lost its refinery in the eastern
city of Santiago. ITT was stripped of its stake in Cuba's phone company.

None of the numerous U.S. companies contacted for this story would
comment on claims, citing legal constraints. But Muse said the ``claims
remain assets on the books of the companies.''

The 10 largest claimants are U.S. companies accounting for nearly $1
billion of the original losses, he said. But they are unlikely to want
their assets back after years of neglect, and may settle instead for
receiving special incentives to invest in the island if controls are
lifted, Muse said.

''Companies are willing to be creative and innovative in settling,'' he
said in a telephone interview.

Cuba also expropriated property belonging to hundreds of non-U.S. firms
and has signed compensation agreements with Canada, Switzerland, France,
Great Britain, Spain and Mexico.

The U.S. negotiated settlements for American property lost to Vietnam's
communist government, to Iran after its Islamic revolution and to
Eastern European countries that went communist after World War II.

But not Cuba. In 1960 Castro's government offered compensation in bonds
or sugar exports to the U.S. But American authorities say that would
have required their country to buy huge amounts of sugar at inflated prices.

A year later the U.S. imposed the embargo and froze Cuban government
accounts in American banks. At the end of 2005, the U.S. Treasury
Department said $268.3 million remained, though how much is still there
today is unclear.

Some of that money went to families who sued Cuba in American courts
under a 1996 law allowing victims of terrorist groups or countries that
sponsor them to seek damages.

Cuba has long said it is willing to compensate U.S. interests but wants
restitution for the embargo's economic damage, which it calculates at
$93 billion. The Cuban government is less willing to pay for property
lost by Cubans who later became U.S. citizens.

That group includes Sanchez, the computer science professor, who was
smuggled off the island at age 6 and didn't see his parents for six more
years. His family's land, home and beach house were seized when
officials forced his father, the owner of a transportation company, to
work for the new Castro government as a logistical consultant.

Now 53, Sanchez holds deeds to both homes and can still reel off his
exact address in Havana's Nuevo Vedado neighborhood: ``Oeste 818 between
Conill and Santa Ana Streets.''

From what he sees on the satellite images, ``The roof looks good.''

''I would have no problem living there,'' he said.

But some say it's impossible to turn back the clock.

''Finding out what belongs to who is going to be very hard. Too hard,''
said Clara Del Valle, 65, a descendant of the Bacardi family whose rum
empire had to leave Cuba after Castro took over. She is vice chairwoman
of the Cuban-American National Foundation, an anti-Castro group.

Sanchez's house is an example of the difficulties that may lie ahead.

It looks unchanged from the fashionable one-story home in a
black-and-white 1950s photo that Sanchez has, but is occupied by
80-year-old Iliana Paz and her daughter and son-in-law.

''This is my world,'' Paz said.

A retired attendant at a military mess hall, Paz said she lived in a
decrepit apartment building until she moved into the house 42 years ago.
She said Sanchez's mother asked her to care for it until her return. She
gave the mother's full name without prompting, saying that this proved
she was in the home legally.

But Sanchez said he has never heard of Paz and that his mother, now
deceased, never said anything about such instructions. Also, Paz's
account has inconsistencies, and neighbors suggest the house is
controlled by the government, which decides who can live there.

Sanchez said he doesn't want to displace anyone.

''How do you deal with people who have been living in your house for 40
years?'' he asked. ``Do you throw them out on the street? You can't do it.''

Paz said she won't let him.

''Nothing can make me move,'' she vowed. ``Nothing, nothing, nothing.''


On the Net:

Full list of certified claimants as provided by the U.S.-Cuba Trade and
Economic Council Inc.:

US-Cuba thaw may mean compensation for lost assets - Cuba - (24 May 2009)

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