
Monday, September 01, 2008

Freed rocker is ready to sing about Raúl

Freed rocker is ready to sing about Raúl

Interviewed by the Spanish newspaper El Pais, Cuban punk rocker Gorki
Águila attributed the reduction in his charges (from "pre-delictive
social dangerousness" to "disobedience") to "the pressure of people who
gathered tightly around me. That is proof that when people unite to
confront tyranny, things can be changed. They fear that what they do
will become known and that they will be condemned internationally. That
is why they reduced a possible 4-year sentence to a 600-peso fine. They
want to appear as good people." Asked who he was referring to, Águila
answered: "Those in State Security, the regime. But they didn't expect
that I would have so much support. Justice here is not just blindfolded;
it's got its nose, mouth and ears covered." Right now, Águila says, he
is "in a sort of post-traumatic stress, after four days in the
dungeons." But he's ready to record a new song, El Comandante II, an
allusion to Raúl Castro; it is a sequel to El Comandante, a tune in
which he sang about Fidel Castro: "He wants me to applaud after he
speaks his delirious s***." Although free, Águila feels constrained:
"This is like the Russian dolls. Dolls_2 You come out of a small jail,
only to go into a slightly larger one, and so on. I am now in a larger
one, but there's always the risk I'll fall into the smallest doll." For
the entire interview, in Spanish, click here. For Herald coverage of
Águila's release, click here.
---Renato Pérez Pizarro.

August 31, 2008

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