
Monday, June 23, 2008

Egypt: Migrants try to reach Europe with Cuban visa

Egypt: Migrants try to reach Europe with Cuban visa

Cairo, 23 June (AKI) - Egyptian Foreign Ministry officials have warned
its citizens against using visas to Cuba in order to illegally reach and
remain in Europe or the United States.

According to pan-Arab daily al-Sharq al-Awsat on Monday, 17 Egyptian
citizens have asked the Egyptian embassy in Cuba for help in returning
to their country after attempting to reach and remain in Europe on their
way to Cuba.

In order for the Egyptian immigrants to remain in Europe, they first pay
an enormous amount of money to people smugglers to help them obtain a
visa to Cuba, but in order to reach the Caribbean country, Egyptians
must first make a stopover in Europe.

Once the migrant has reached the European country, they must find a way
of missing their next flight and remain in the country.

What immigrants are not told by the band of smugglers is that
immigration police in Europe deports the migrant, forcing him to reach
the country they had the visa for.

Thus many Egyptians find themselves in Cuba, without a job and without a
way of paying their way to return to Egypt.

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