
Friday, March 21, 2008

Freedom in Cuba remains elusive

Freedom in Cuba remains elusive
POSTED: March 16, 2008

Much like the Soviet Union when old, hard-line Stalinists began to die
off, Cuba may be poised for reform.

But not just yet, as new Cuban President Raul Castro made clear recently.

Castro succeeded to the presidency because of his brother Fidel's age
(81) and infirmities. But in assuming the office, Raul Castro assured
Cubans that he will continue to rule as his brother and others of
Fidel's revolutionary generation wish.

That strategy was reinforced when Raul Castro named another
revolutionary, 77-year-old Ramon Machado, to fill the No. 2 spot in
Cuban government.

U.S. leaders said, when Fidel Castro announced plans to step down, that
they expected little or no change in our nation's policy toward Cuba.
That, they explained, is because they foresee little or no change in
Cuban regime policies.

The next milestone will be Fidel Castro's death, of course. That may
result in some liberalization within Cuba, as was the case in the Soviet
Union when Joseph Stalin died.

But until the cadre of hard-core communists, still represented in great
numbers in Cuba, passes from the scene, don't expect much true reform.

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