
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

U.S. Senator: Drilling Offshore Cuba Could 'Desecrate' Florida

U.S. Senator: Drilling Offshore Cuba Could 'Desecrate' Florida
E&E Daily Thursday, January 24, 2008

Florida Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson is pressing the White House to
abandon a decades-old offshore boundary agreement with Cuba that he
alleges will allow oil projects off Cuba's coast that could threaten his
state's environment.

In a letter to President Bush yesterday, Nelson said that news reports
of an exploration agreement signed this month between Cuba and Brazil's
state-controlled oil company reveal dangers to Florida. The letter also
cites other oil exploration plans by foreign companies in Cuban waters.

"Soon, there could be oil rigs within 50 miles of the Florida Keys and
the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary," the letter states. "And, as
the Gulf Stream flows, an oil spill or other drilling accident would
desecrate part of Florida's unique environment and devastate its $50
billion tourism-driven economy."

Nelson has in the past introduced legislation that would nullify the
1977 boundary agreement that evenly divides the 90 miles of sea between
the Florida Keys and Cuba. Nelson believes that U.S. withdrawal from the
agreement would stall exploration plans by foreign companies and
envisions the agreement being renegotiated with a future democratic
government of Cuba in a manner that keeps oil rigs far from Florida's
waters, a spokesman for Nelson said.

The letter yesterday says the agreement is enforced by exchange of
diplomatic notes every two years. "My staff informs me the State
Department has sent the latest such notes, but that they have not been
received yet by the Cuban government," the letter states. "So, I am
writing to urge you to recall these notes. I am sure you agree that we
cannot allow Cuba to put at risk Florida's major business and
irreplaceable environment."

The White House could not be reached for comment.

According to the Associated Press and Reuters, Cuba reached a deal in
mid-January with Brazilian state oil company Petrobras to conduct
deepwater exploratory drilling in the Gulf of Mexico off Cuba's coast.

Companies from Spain, Canada, India and Malaysia already have
exploration contracts with Cuba, according to AP.

The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated that the North Cuba Basin may
contain 4.6 billion barrels of oil and 9.8 trillion cubic feet of
natural gas.

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