
Saturday, September 01, 2007

Journalist is freed after 15 months in prison

Cuba: Journalist is freed after 15 months in prison
August 22, 2007

Havana An independent Cuban journalist arrested on charges of public
disorder was released after 15 months behind bars, a New York-based
reporters' advocacy group said Tuesday.

The Committee to Protect Journalists said Armando Betancourt Reina was
released from prison Monday in the central provincial capital Camaguey.
He is the third dissident to be released in less than two weeks.

Betancourt, a little-known journalist who contributed dispatches to the
Miami-based Web site Nueva Prensa Cuba, was detained on May 23, 2006,
while covering a family's eviction in Camaguey. Police told Betancourt's
family that he had joined a protest against the eviction, but he denies

"We are relieved that Armando Betancourt Reina has been freed," CPJ
Executive Director Joel Simon said in a statement.,0,5446574.story

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