
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Spanish surgeon in Cuba to examine Castro

Spanish surgeon in Cuba to examine Castro
Sun Dec 24, 2:33 PM ET

MADRID (AFP) - A Spanish surgeon was reportedly summoned Thursday to
Cuba to see whether the nation's ailing leader needs another operation.

"A prestigious Spanish surgeon has been called for a medical
consultation in Havana to decide the right path to end the progressive
deterioration in the health of Cuban President
Fidel Castro," Spain's daily El Periodico newspaper said, identifying
him as Jose Luis Garcia Sabrido, head of surgery at Madrid's Gregorio
Maranon hospital.

The report comes a day after Castro's brother Raul was quoted as saying
the Cuban leader was making progress in recovering from what has been
described as intestinal surgery on July 26.

Castro, who has ruled Cuba since 1959, temporarily handed power over to
his brother and has not been seen in public since. An October video
showed a visibly weakened Castro doing a few gymnastic exercises.

His apparently difficult recovery raises questions about the future of
the only Communist country in the Americas. Earlier this month a senior
US intelligence official judged the Cuban leader very ill and near death.

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