
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Oscar Elias Biscet Says That Cuba Can No Longer “Bring Down” The Opposition

Oscar Elias Biscet Says That Cuba Can No Longer "Bring Down" The
Opposition / EFE (14ymedio)

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, 26 May 2106 — Cuban dissident Oscar Elias
Biscet said Wednesday, on arriving at the Miami airport from Spain, that
the opposition on the island is "well defined" and that the regime "can
no longer bring it down."

Biscet, who was happy to be in "land of freedom" for Cubans, told
reporters that he would explain to the Cuban exile community in South
Florida his civic political project to end the dictatorship and promote
democracy, through a method of non-violent struggle.

The medical doctor said that the opposition is "very united" and that
part of the opposition is his initiative, the Emilia Project, which has
gathered the support of more than 3,000 signatures.

He noted that the signers are "brave people, who gave their names, who
gave their addresses, their identity card data, saying they do not want
more communism."

Biscet, 54, was optimistic that this group would become "a crowd that
would end the dictatorship in Cuba."

He said his initiative seeks to "make change by shifting the
superstructure" and he calls this "the revolution on non-violent human

The dissident was arrested in late 2002 and sentenced to 25 years in
prison for being part of the so-called Black Spring, where a group of
dissidents known as the Group of 75, were accused of conspiring with the
United States.

Biscet was released from prison in March 2011 during the process of the
release of political prisoners carried out by Raul Castro's government
after mediation by the Vatican.

The dissident, who visited Madrid to give a lecture and see friends,
admitted this week in Spain that he is afraid of reprisals in Cuba when
he returns.

Source: Oscar Elias Biscet Says That Cuba Can No Longer "Bring Down" The
Opposition / EFE (14ymedio) – Translating Cuba -

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