
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Plaintiffs foiled as travel case opens

Plaintiffs foiled as travel case opens

In Burlington, Vt., Judge William Sessions opened hearings on a lawsuit
by four residents to lift federal restrictions on travel to Cuba. The
plaintiffs contend that the restrictions violate their constitutional
rights and discriminate against people of Cuban descent. At the hearing
Wednesday, the judge denied a request for a temporary injunction that
would have allowed three of the plaintiffs, who are Cuban-born, to
travel to their native country. The presentation of arguments from both
parties is expected to take at least one month.Cubatrip2_2 According to
Sessions, "This is not something that's going to be expeditiously
resolved." [Photo shows: Armando Vilaseca, one of the plaintiffs,
visiting his aunt, Gladys Casdelo, during a trip to Cuba last year.
Earlier this year, she died of cancer.] For details on the hearing,
click here. ---Renato Pérez Pizarro.

May 28, 2008

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