
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cuba Policy Sets Obama Apart in U.S. Campaign

Cuba Policy Sets Obama Apart in U.S. Campaign

Senator Barack Obama has tried to stand out from other U.S. presidential
candidates by saying, as president, he would be open to meeting with
some of the most hostile foreign leaders, including those in Cuba and
Iran. The policy has drawn criticism from his opponents, but it is
beginning to win support among Cuban-Americans, who see a need for
change in U.S. policy toward the island. VOA's Brian Wagner has this report.

Senator Obama has said his willingness to meet with America's foes is
intended to overcome years of stagnation on crucial security and human
rights issues. In recent speeches, he has pointed out that past U.S.
presidents met with the leaders of China and the Soviet Union at periods
of heightened tension. And he says now is the time to engage the
governments in Syria and Iran, for example, because he says the Bush
administration's policy against direct talks is hurting American efforts
in Iraq.

In a speech in Miami last week, Obama told Cuban-American leaders that
he would also engage Communist leaders in Havana, to demand the release
of political prisoners and the start of democratic reforms in Cuba.

"As president I would be willing to lead that diplomacy at the time and
place of my choosing. But only when we have an opportunity to advance
the interests of the United States, but more importantly to advance the
cause of freedom for the Cuban people," he said.

Critics reject the senator's position as a naive proposal, or even a
danger to U.S. interests.

His rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Hillary
Clinton said it would be a mistake to hold presidential talks before
Cuba begins to implement long-awaited changes.

Senator John McCain also expressed criticism in a speech before
Cuban-Americans and other Miami residents last week. He said direct
talks would only hurt the cause of Cuban democracy.

"These steps would send the worst possible signal to Cuba's dictators:
there is no need to undertake fundamental reforms," he said. "They can
simply wait for a unilateral change in U.S. policy. That is what they
would think."

Senator McCain has promised that, if elected, he would maintain many of
President Bush's policies, including trade and travel restrictions.
Obama has said he would ease limits on Cubans traveling to visit family
on the island.

The debate over U.S. policy toward Cuba has resonated among the Cuban
exile population in Miami, where many people are upset that current U.S.
policies have been unable to weaken the Communist government especially
after the transfer of power from Fidel Castro to his brother, Raul.

Pepe Hernandez is president of the Cuban-American National Foundation,
which hosted Obama's talks in Miami. He said he does not necessarily
endorse the Illinois senator, but after Obama's speech he said he
welcomed the message of change.

Hernandez says a solution is needed to the Cuban situation, adding the
United States should not cross its arms and do nothing while Raul Castro
consolidates power.

Change may be difficult for some Cuban exiles. Miami businessman Javier
Mora said he was impressed by Obama's speech, but he said his brother
rejects any negotiations with Cuba's leadership.

"He will not listen to it, when I say this is the only way we can
achieve a change in Cuba," he explained. "But even in my generation I
have to fight, I have to convince people."

Miami's Cuban community is known for strongly backing Republican
presidents, but leaders say this year may be different. Obama is hoping
his policy of engagement will win over enough voters to boost his
campaign in the state.

The Illinois senator has said his possible offer of talks with U.S. foes
also would include top officials in Iran, whose president, Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, has called for the destruction of the Israel.

The idea of talks has raised some concerns among Jewish voters, who say
Obama's foreign policy toward Israel could endanger the nation's security.

But University of Miami law professor David Abraham says few Jewish
voters believe a presidential meeting with Iranian officials would upset
the balance in the Middle East. He said, like the Cuban-American
community, many Jewish voters are eager to see new ideas in the White House.

"The last eight years in the eyes of the overwhelming majority of the
American Jewish community have not been successful," he said. "They also
see that it is time for a change."

Obama's campaign is hoping his policy will help win needed support among
Jewish voters, who so far have given strong backing to Obama's chief
rival for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton.

VOA News

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