
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Cuba Santeria priests mum on Castro, warn on climate

Cuba Santeria priests mum on Castro, warn on climate
Wed Jan 2, 2008 5:18pm EST

HAVANA, Jan 2 (Reuters) - Priests offering New Year's prophecies from
Cuba's Afro-Cuban religion on Wednesday gave few hints on the future of
convalescing leader Fidel Castro and instead warned about dangerous
climate change and epidemics.

Many Cubans eagerly await annual predictions from the Santeria religion,
which is practised by 3 million people in Cuba and uses animal
sacrifices to contact Yoruba deities originally worshiped by slaves
brought from Africa.

Santeria priests, known as babalawos, steered clear of politics in this
year's prophecies, instead warning about an environmental crisis,
disease and crime.

They noted an improving economy and said they planned sacrifices to
better the lives of the majority of Cubans.

"The challenge at this historic moment is not a political challenge ...
It is not a social challenge, but the challenge of nature," Victor
Betancourt, a Havana priest, said at a news conference.

Fidel Castro has not appeared in public since handing power to his
brother Raul after undergoing emergency stomach surgery more than 17
months ago.

While there was no direct reference to Castro in the Santeria priests'
cryptic forecasts, many Cubans traditionally scan over the "letter of
the year" for interpretations of how the government might develop.

Raul Castro's call for a review of the island's problems has fueled
speculation about possible economic reforms to ease Cubans' struggle
with high food costs and low wages.

Fidel Castro has only appeared in official photographs and pre-taped
videos and it is not clear whether he will resume office. Most analysts
say a smooth transition of power has already taken place.

His brother says Castro is recovering, consulted on key decisions and
that Communist Party delegates back his nomination to run again for a
National Assembly seat, a requirement for the presidency.

But in letters and statements, the older Castro has hinted he might not
cling on to his posts but instead "contribute ideas" from his experience.

Santeria experts say the New Year predictions offer a glimpse into
popular sentiment. This year's batch came after a meeting of more than
1,000 priests, including babalawos visiting from Venezuela, Peru and
Italy. (Reporting by Patrick Markey in Havana; Editing by Kieran Murray)

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