
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Beginning Half a Century of Communist Tyranny in Cuba

Diario Las Americas
Publicado el 01-02-2008

Beginning Half a Century of Communist Tyranny in Cuba

This January 1st, 2008 marked the passing of forty-nine years of the
Marxist-Leninist totalitarian tyranny of Fidel Castro oppressing the
Cuban people. Therefore, we are beginning half a century of that
oppression, something unprecedented in the history of our region. To
review the martyrdom of the Cuban people is as painful as it is
difficult in some aspects. This is the case, because so many
monstrosities have taken place during the past forty-nine years that it
is difficult for foreign or national observers and even for those
seriously interested in history to remember methodically everything.

Repression is firmly entrenched. As firmly entrenched as firmly
infiltrated is international public opinion, which is subject to great
confusions and deceptions with respect to human dignity, representative
democracy and all the substantial values that define freedom. The
brainwashing carried out by the communists since early on in the
Twentieth Century has given extremely positive results for those set on
fighting freedom. Positive for them and totally negative for those who
want a world where human rights prevail.

Unfortunately, in an irritating and also inconceivable way, after what
happened to the Cuban people who fell under the clutches of communism
imposed by the Soviet Union with the complicity of Fidel Castro, in
several countries of this region, fully aware of the Cuban suffering,
the political and doctrinal meddling of the Castro regime has been
accepted and encouraged. As a result of this, dictatorial
Marxist-Leninist regimes have been installed in this part of the world.
This is difficult to understand, because these are countries that have
leaders who know how to distinguish, or who should know how to
distinguish the chaff from the grain, so to speak. Some accept or
advocate communism out of ideological conviction and others do so out of
material interests or lack of sensibility to defend the ideal of freedom.

In spite of the mistakes that might have been made, the Cuban people
deserve fundamentally a better fate, following the example set by its
illustrious forefathers, led by José Martí. Let us hope that his may happen.

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