
Friday, July 14, 2017


magictr | July 14, 2017 | News
Stéphane Bouchard
Friday, 14 July 2017 00:00

JONQUIÈRE | Two players from the cuban national team junior tour against
the teams of major League baseball junior élite du Québec, missing since

These two players have left of their own accord, in the night of Monday
to Tuesday. On the morning of 11 July, the two players were no more in
their room.

According to what we have learned, does anyone know where are the
baseball players, who have been missing after a game against Buffalo,
Saint-Eustache. It is suspected that both players have left their team
to not return to live in Cuba.

"No detail "

The junior national team of Cuba was yesterday at the Stade
Richard-Desmeules, where she faced the Travelers from Jonquière, in the
ninth match of this series of 15.

Met on the premises, the secretary of the road for the tour of cuban and
communications director for the major League baseball junior élite du
Québec (LBJEQ), Antoine Desrosiers, did not want to comment on this
situation, claiming to have "no detail" on this story.

The president of the league, Rodger Brulotte, preferred him not to
comment on the departure of two cuban players. "Our role at the LBJEQ is
to promote the sport of baseball. We do not interfere in political
issues ",-he said. Mr. Brulotte was in the hands of the leader of the
team of Cuba to explain the desertion of the two players.

Security measures

Maxim Lamarche, director general of Baseball Quebec, has not returned
our calls yesterday evening.

The leaders of the team cuban, however, had already anticipated the
possibility that a player might want to go without leaving traces, by
putting in place special measures of surveillance and security.

For example, it was forbidden to go to the locker room alone. The
players were accompanied at all times and must abide by clear guidelines
as to their comings and goings.

Student residences

During their stay, the players were accommodated in the student
residences of the college Ahuntsic.

The tour of the cuban national team has the goal of promoting the sport
of baseball throughout the province, and to "continue to weave links
between Cuba and Canada," says Antoine Desrosiers. He didn't want to
dwell on the impact of these desertions on the links between the two

This tour is also a way to prepare for the junior team cuba at the world

Source: Two cuban players deserting the team junior | The Sherbrooke
Times -

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