
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

These Are Good Times For The ‘Weekly Packet’

These Are Good Times For The 'Weekly Packet'

14ymedio, generation, Yoani Sanchez, 27 June 2017 — Official propaganda
has been euphoric since Donald Trump spoke at the Manuel Artime Theater
in Miami. The government discourse rages with an intensity that hasn't
been seen since the campaign for 'The Cuban Five', the spies serving
sentences in the United States. Faced with this saturation of slogans,
many opt to take refuge in the 'Weekly Packet.'

The Cuban Government seems to be advised by its worst enemies in terms
of content dissemination, in view of the excess of ideology and
ephemeris of the national media. The result is the galloping loss of
viewers who opt for the informal networks of distribution of
audiovisuals, series and films.

Each line of the incendiary political tirades published in the written
press equals more than one los reader, tired of so much rhetoric. It is
easy to detect through the comments on the street how the 'rating' of
the media controlled by the Communist Party is collapsing these days,
especially among the youngest.

It is easy to detect through the comments on the street how the 'rating'
of the media controlled by the Communist Party is collapsing these days,
especially among the youngest

In the past, television viewers tired of so much empty talk had to watch
anyway, in the absence of other options, but now Cubans live in the age
of USB memory and external hard drives.

Now, while the national media rant against the United States president's
new policy toward Cuba, the informal market is awash in entertainment
material that has nothing to do with politics.

A bad quality copy of The Mummy starring Tom Cruise, or Wonder Woman
featuring Patty Jenkins, along with the eighth installment of Fast and
Furious, grab the attention of the fans of the Weekly Packet, and offer
nothing but a headache for the government propagandists who don't know
how to attract that lost audience.

It is significant that science fiction, fantasy and car racing triumph
where politics loses ground. Cubans escape reality through fiction, they
evade propaganda by choosing programming far removed from ideology.

Source: These Are Good Times For The 'Weekly Packet' – Translating Cuba

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