
Friday, June 30, 2017

Cuban General Who Oversaw the Downing of ‘Brothers To The Rescue’ Planes Dies

Cuban General Who Oversaw the Downing of 'Brothers To The Rescue' Planes

14ymedio, Havana, 29 June 2017 — On Wednesday, Brigadier General Eduardo
Delgado Rodriguez died in Havana. He had supervised the intelligence
operations that led to the downing of the Brothers to the Rescue planes
in 1996, and as director of the Miami espionage work of the Wasp
Network, he was in charge of infiltrating five Cuban spies into the
United States. A brief note in the official press reported his death
without specifying the cause.

The notice, which appeared in the Granma newspaper, briefly details his
biography since joining "fight against the Fulgencio Batista regime" up
to his presence as a military man in Nicaraguan territory during the
1980s. It also lists his many decorations.

However, the obituary published in the official organ of the Communist
Party does not mention that Delgado served as head of the General
Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) for
20 years, a post he ascended to after his performance during the trial
of "Cause No. 1" in 1989.

In that famous proceeding, Major General Arnaldo Ochoa Sánchez and three
other military officers were sentenced to death on charges of drug
trafficking and abuse of power. At that time Delgado had the rank of
colonel and presided over the investigations of the case.

In 1994 he was promoted to brigadier general and from his position as
head of MININT intelligence directed the actions of the Wasp Network.

Delgado was in charge of the operation that compiled the information to
bring down the planes of Brothers to the Rescue on 24 February of 1996.
In 2013 he was replaced as head of Director of Intelligence, and became
director of MINIT's Eliseo Reyes Rodriguez Superior Institute.

At the time of his death, Delgado was retired. His remains were buried
Wednesday afternoon in the Pantheon of the Firefighters of MININT, in
Havana's Colón Cemetery.

Source: Cuban General Who Oversaw the Downing of 'Brothers To The
Rescue' Planes Dies – Translating Cuba -

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