
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Russian energy minister: Cuba wants to increase purchases of Russian oil

Russian energy minister: Cuba wants to increase purchases of Russian oil
May 29, 2017 TASS

Cuba wants to increase the supply of oil and oil products from Russia,
but it is a matter of financing, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak
told, TASS reports.

"Cuba really wants more supplies, but the question is in financial
sources. If financial resources are found - the companies will deliver,"
he said.

Earlier it was reported that Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft
will supply with about 250,000 tons of oil and diesel fuel to the Cuban
company Cubametales. Terms of supply were not specified.

According to media reports, in late 2016, Cuba's President Raul Castro,
asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to ensure the supply of oil and
oil products to the republic after the country experienced some problems
with raw materials from Venezuela.

Source: Russian energy minister: Cuba wants to increase purchases of
Russian oil | Russia Beyond The Headlines -

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