
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

AP's regional offices return to Cuba

AP's regional offices return to Cuba
BY JOE UCHILL - 12/26/16 03:30 PM EST

The Associated Press is returning its Caribbean base of operations to Cuba.

Cuba, the largest country in the Caribbean, housed the news service's
central offices for the region until 1961. The AP was forced to leave
after the botched Bay of Pigs invasion. It reopened a Cuba office in 1999.

The move comes as multiple major news stories play out on the island.
Cuba is still adjusting to slightly thawed relations with the United
States and still reeling from the death of Fidel Castro.
The AP announced the change Monday in a news story that also named
Michael Weissenstein the editor of the newly re-situated bureau.

"Mike is an excellent journalist and wordsmith who has shepherded our
coverage of Cuba through the island's 2014 rapprochement with the United
States to the death of Fidel Castro last month," the story quoted Paul
Haven, news director for Latin America and the Caribbean as saying. "I'm
thrilled that he will be expanding his reach to the rest of the Caribbean."

Source: AP's regional offices return to Cuba | TheHill -

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