
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Dr. Biden to Travel to the Republic of Cuba and the Dominican Republic

Dr. Biden to Travel to the Republic of Cuba and the Dominican Republic

Dr. Jill Biden will travel to Havana and Camaguey, Cuba, from October 6
- 9, 2016. She will be joined by Catherine M. Russell, United States
Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues, and Evan Ryan, United
States Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural
Affairs. Together, they will meet with government officials and engage
with a diverse range of Cubans on topics related to culture, education,
and health.

Following their travel to Cuba, Dr. Biden and Ambassador Russell will
travel to Santiago, Dominican Republic, from October 9 - 10, where they
will engage government and civil society partners on issues related to
economic empowerment and educational opportunities for women and girls.

Source: Dr. Biden to Travel to the Republic of Cuba and the Dominican
Republic | -

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