
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Not In The Name Of Socialism. Another Sign Of Contempt For Cuban Workers

Not In The Name Of Socialism. Another Sign Of Contempt For Cuban Workers
/ 14ymedio, Pedro Campos

14ymedio, Pedro Campos, 25 July 2016 – Several news reports confirm that
there is a contingent of Indian workers in Cuba… Yes, you read that
right: workers from India, from the other side of the world, working on
tourist projects for foreign companies. A French company brought them
over here and is paying them first world salaries.

Can anyone in the State-Party-Government explain what is happening? Are
there no Cuban workers to employ in these construction projects?

Is the state-run Construction and Specialized Installations Company
(ECME), which builds and remodels hotels, luxury buildings for
foreigners and hospitals, among other projects, which has seen the most
brilliant contemporary Cuban engineering and architecture, unable to
undertake this work?

Does the remodeling company under the Office of the City Historian of
Havana, which has rescued wonders of Cuban architecture, not have the
capacity for these commitments?

I originally found it hard to believe the news, because no one could
explain to me the reasons why foreign companies prefer to contract for
Indian workers instead of Cubans, but it was even harder for me to
understand why the "socialist" government, "representative of the Cuban
working class," accepts it when there are thousands of professionals,
specialists, technicians and workers who are unemployed or
under-employed in this kind of work, eager to exercise their professions
and receive good remuneration for their work.

I don't pretend to have found the reasons. Something that only the
Government-Party-State can understand, one god in three persons like the
holy trinity, although nobody explains it, nobody knows, they believe
that nobody cares and ultimately nobody agrees.

Several media reports address the issue, and there is no shortage of
information and speculations about the interests of the company run by
the Cuban military that is charged with these works, in allowing this
contracting on the part of a foreign firm because "Cubans can't do the
job," "they are not good workers," "the boys in the military service
don't know how," and other things of this style.

Whatever the explanation might be, one thing is clear: workers from very
far away are being employed in Cuba, they are being paid good salaries,
while there are hundreds of thousands of Cuban workers who are trying to
invent a life without adequately paid jobs, who have no other option in
order to improve their and their families' lives other than to leave
Cuba, if they can, risking everything.

At the very least, this is another example of the contempt the
bureaucracy has for Cuban workers, who decide nothing and receive little.

But it is no coincidence that such a barbarity is happening right now.
The bureaucrats who have appropriated the country, who manage "their
state enterprises" as if they were the owners, seem desperate to please
the few foreign investors who have accepted their conditions to try to
resolve the crisis, the disaster, of what they want to continue calling
socialism in Cuba.

And because the Cuban government does not allow foreign companies to
freely contract for Cuban labor, but requires them to go through the
state-run intermediaries who authorize the selection of the personnel
and who keep around 90% of what the foreigners pay for each worker, the
foreign capitalists who want to select and control their own workers
have adopted this method of importing labor to be able to do so.

The desperate rulers, in their eagerness to produce joint venture
companies, have accepted this nonsense, as usual, without considering
all the consequences.

Of course, they do not care about the reactions of the Cuban workers and
the Cuban people. Anyone who doesn't agree can leave, and if they
protest they can go to jail. All very democratic.

It is no wonder that since the late nineteenth century this kind of
state-socialism as been called a prison or a barracks. No wonder, as our
José Martí wrote, "It goes badly for a people of bureaucrats! All the
power which would be gradually acquired by the caste of public
officials, bound by their need to remain in a privileged and lucrative
position, would be gradually lost by the people, who lack the same
reasons for complicity in hopes and profits to confront the public
officials fettered together by their common interests."

It is left to us once again, from the positions of democratic socialism,
to condemn these anti-national, anti-labor and counterrevolutionary
practices of the centralized statist-wage economic and political model,
of the semi-feudal court, imposed in Cuba in the name of socialism.

No, no. No more in the name of socialism.

Source: Not In The Name Of Socialism. Another Sign Of Contempt For Cuban
Workers / 14ymedio, Pedro Campos – Translating Cuba -

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