
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Archbishop Of Havana Wants “Socialism To Progress”

Archbishop Of Havana Wants "Socialism To Progress" / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 27 June 2016 — The newly appointed archbishop of
Havana, Juan de la Caridad Garcia, said in an interview broadcast Monday
by the Associated Press (AP) that does not want that Cuba "to have
capitalism or anything in that style, but for socialism to progress" to
go "forward to fair, balanced and fraternal society."

The priest defended the work of his predecessor, Jaime Ortega. "I think
that the cardinal did a great deal of good," he said. "In some places
there is a slightly negative image of him, and it is false. I am going
to continue doing what he did."

The archbishop said he doesn't fear the criticisms of government
opponents, which for years demanded that Ortega, who led the archdiocese
for three decades, press for a change in the country's political model.

Born in 1948 in Camagüey, Garcia did not support the Revolution after
its victory in 1959. He was ordained a priest in 1972 and became
Archbishop of Camagüey in 2002. His father died in prison accused of
being responsible for a train accident, which took place in unclear
circumstances, at the end of the 1960s, an era marked by harassment of
religious figures. Despite the fact that he challenged the state in the
1970s by offering catechism in homes, he later changed his attitude
toward the authorities. "There were always people who remained faithful
despite the great difficulties at the beginning of the Revolution. One
can walk, talk and look to the future," he told the AP. "We can't live
in the past."

Source: Archbishop Of Havana Wants "Socialism To Progress" / 14ymedio –
Translating Cuba -

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