
Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Cuba sets price controls for fruits, vegetables

Cuba sets price controls for fruits, vegetables
Associated Press
May 3, 2016

HAVANA (AP) — Cuba says it is setting limits on the prices of fruits and
vegetables in an attempt to calm public complaints about rising food costs.

The government announced Tuesday that farm products sold in
state-controlled markets would have prices capped at levels affordable
for the average person, who earns a state salary of about $25 a month.
Tomatoes will cost 8 cents a pound in season and 17 cents a pound out of
season, several times less the current price in most markets.

The measure contains a series of exceptions for private vendors,
allowing them to continue to set prices for their goods that are often
far higher than prices in state-controlled markets.

The announcement called the price limits a stopgap measure,
acknowledging low production is the root of the problem.

Source: Cuba sets price controls for fruits, vegetables -

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