
Saturday, April 02, 2016

More leaving Cuba, and many head to Texas

More leaving Cuba, and many head to Texas
By Christine Armario Associated Press
Published: 01 April 2016 11:27 PM

HAVANA — Nearly twice as many Cuban migrants reached the U.S. by foot
and sea in the last three months of 2015 as in the same period the year
earlier, the northbound exodus swelling after the restoration of
diplomatic relations and amid fears of the loss of migration privileges.
Department of Homeland Security figures show about 17,000 Cubans reached
the United States from October through December. Slightly more than
9,200 Cuban migrants arrived during the same months in 2014.
The surge has been driven in part by Cubans' fears that warmer ties
between the governments, announced in December 2014, mean they could
lose privileges that now let them stay in the United States if they
reach American soil — a policy originally based on the assumption those
fleeing Cuba were largely political refugees.
The Obama administration says it doesn't plan to change U.S.-Cuba
immigration policy, but some lawmakers want to end the privileges for
migrants from the island.
Most of the Cuban migrants are arriving at U.S. border checkpoints in
Texas after traveling by plane, bus and foot through Central America.
More than 43,000 Cubans arrived in the U.S. in the 2015 fiscal year
ending in September.
Hundreds of thousands of Cubans have fled the island since the 1959
revolution, largely by plane through family reunification programs but
also on perilous, homemade rafts. Three years ago, the communist
government did away with a hated exit permit, allowing many Cubans to
travel to countries such as Ecuador and then make a long, often
dangerous, trek through Central America to the U.S. border with Texas.
Ecuador began requiring visas for Cubans late last year, effectively
blocking the route to most would-be migrants.
Nicaragua began refusing passage to Cuban migrants in November, leaving
about 8,000 migrants stuck in Costa Rica. In March, the last direct
flight carrying the stranded migrants from Costa Rica arrived in Mexico.
The latest statistics would not yet reflect whether the migration has
decreased in response to efforts to clamp down on it.
Andy Gomez, a retired University of Miami Cuba scholar, said he expects
the number of Cuban migrants arriving through Central America to decline
in the months ahead, though he speculated those with family in the U.S.
will continue to find ways to get there.
He said repeal of the Cuban Adjustment Act that gives Cuban migrants
privileges over those from other nations remains unlikely given the
current election year.
"They cannot deal with the Cuban Adjustment Act without dealing with
immigration reform, and nobody wants to touch it," he said.
Despite renewed U.S.-Cuba relations and economic reforms permitting
certain small businesses, Cuba has struggled to stem a tide of doctors,
professionals and others who believe their best chance to advance
economically is to leave.
Lazaro Borges, 26, a nurse who said he earns about $20 a month, said
he's currently working on plans to leave the island. Friends in Panama
invited him to participate in a religious gathering. If all goes well,
he plans to stay.
"What I want more than anything right now is to leave," he said.

Source: More leaving Cuba, and many head to Texas | Denton Record
Chronicle | News for Denton County, Texas -

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