
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Germany's Condor airline expands service to Cuba

Germany's Condor airline expands service to Cuba
Published April 26, 2016 EFE

Germany's Condor airline will fly a direct route between Munich and
Havana five times a week starting June 4, in addition to a weekly flight
from Frankfurt to the Cuban capital, Cuba'S official media said.

With the addition of these new flights, Condor raises to 12 the number
of weekly return trips between Cuba and Germany.

From its base in Frankfurt, the German company currently maintains two
flights weekly to the eastern Cuban city of Holguin, three to the
Varadero seaside resort, and one between that beach town in western Cuba
and Munich.

Condor is Germany's third largest commercial airline.

Tourism authorities in Cuba have described the German market as
characterized by "coninuous growth" in recent times, and say it is among
the three principal sources of Destination Cuba tourists.

In 2015, 175,264 German tourists visited the Caribbean country, a 26
percent growth over the previous year, according to official figures.

The leisure industry occupies second place among Cuba's revenues in
foreign currency after professional services, and is now considered the
most dynamic sector of the island's economy.

According to Tourism Ministry estimates, in 2016 a total of some 3.7
million foreign tourists are expected to visit Cuba, about 175,000 more
than in 2015, when the Caribbean country outdid its previous best year
by welcoming more than 3.5 million travelers. EFE

Source: Germany's Condor airline expands service to Cuba | Fox News
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